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Saving Faces of God Exhibition

The Saving Faces of God: What does it mean - Christ became sin?
(clockwise) 1. The Manifestation, 2. The Scapegoat, 3. The Becoming,
4. The Grand Facade, 5. The Beast of Two faces, 6. The separation,7. The Cursed Blessing, 8. The Final Taste: Becoming Death


Saving Faces of God

Easter Exhibition and Services advertised in the Manly Daily

Easter Exhibition 2009

The exhibition space:

Manly Village Church Exhibition space


"The Gardener" and "The House of God: Judgement has Passed "

Saving Faces of God

Speaking on Easter Sunday Service:

Saving Faces of God


The studio where the works were developed. There was a lot of research. What makes art spiritual?

Saving Faces of God Studio Development Space

Saving Faces of God Studio deveopment space